The Best Brush of the Day

March 27th, 2024

Imagine that you’re only going to brush your teeth once tomorrow. Don’t worry, we know you would never skimp on your dental hygiene like that, but let’s just pretend for a moment. When would be the best time to brush? When you wake up? During the day? Or perhaps before you go to bed? Actually,…
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What role do elastics (rubber bands) play in orthodontics?

March 20th, 2024

Wearing orthodontic braces may be the best choice for correcting your teeth and improving your smile, and that's why you've come to see Dr. Jones at Jones Orthodontics. Braces, which consist of brackets and wires, work by gently applying pressure to the teeth, and that pressure causes them to move into the correct position. In…
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Retainer Hacks

March 13th, 2024

Even with the best of care, accidents can happen, and your retainer, unfortunately, is not immune. Of course, you need to visit our Gretna or Metairie office ASAP if your retainer is damaged, but, in the meantime, there are some strategies you can use to help your teeth—and your retainer—stay as healthy as possible while…
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Snacks that are Healthy for Your Body and Your Braces

March 6th, 2024

You know the school day’s over when you hear these seven little words: “I’m home! Is there anything to eat?” And before your child got braces, you had the answer: simple, tasty snacks that provided not only an energy boost, but nutritional elements to help build strong teeth and strong bodies. But now whole carrot…
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